Sustainability Management Policy

The Company has operated its business on the basis of creating growth for all groups of stakeholders equally and covering all dimensions of sustainability, including economic, social and environmental dimensions in accordance with the international corporate governance principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework. The Company set the sustainability management goals, which consist of health i nnovati ons, sust ai nabl e well -bei ng and environmental balance creation through the products and services development process that meet the needs of its stakeholders, community engagement and corporate social development, responsibility to employees, respect for human rights in compliance with the international human rights standards, anti-fraud and corruption, environmental impact management and balance creation, which lead to creating sustainable return on investment.

“P9 delivers quality holistic treatment that is safe, modern, easy to access and meets the needs of all stakeholders based on good corporate governance and environmental protection, leading to the upgrading of sustainable development to meet the international standards”

Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders

The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee reviewed the information obtained from the Company’s stakeholders with regard to its vision, mission, business strategies and direction and both internal and external context for risks and opportunities that may affect the Company’s business operations as well as the comments made on the report on driving business for sustainability through the Company’s Form 56-1 One Report or via Praram 9 Hospital’s website concerning the Company’s sustainable development approach and took them into consideration for making improvements to the material sustainability issues. All stakeholders’ expectation, concerns and opinions have been taken into account for the improvements of the Company’s stakeholder engagement approach and the materiality determination in order to respond to every issues of stakeholders’ expectations efficiently and appropriately in an effort to drive sustainable development and growth of the Hospital’s healthcare services.

Sustainability Management Goals

The Company set the sustainability management goals according to its material sustainability issues and integrated them with the World’ s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Framework in the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental dimensions, as follows: